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Hits: 10002

– base 3D model | SCS Software
– remake and stuff | Джо [Eugene]
– wheels | Kamaz, Ventures, Bora, 50keda
– hadley horns | 50keda
– TIR, ADR, etc. | DANZ aka d3s
– Adblue tank, skylights| Jekich1 (Turbosquid)
– Dashboard display | Piva
– Transmission, gearbox | Knox_xss
– Interior Textures | AlexeyP

Hits: 18275

Credits: Aradeth, Kriechbaum, ohaha, Martinezio, Piva, Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie, kamaz, Snekko, TruckManiac, Malcom37, Peerke 145, vovangt4 ,AU44, None, Nado, Big Bob, AlexeyP, SC

Hits: 11025

Credits: Wieczek, Pawel92, Grzeses, 50k and Domas225, Rafala