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Odsłony: 8523

Credits: OLS, Bruiser, maz_man™, Dalnoboishik™

Odsłony: 9767

Credits: Lexan, Koral, MRD_Husky, il_86, Олегович, vovangt4

Odsłony: 8756

Credits: skorohodov

Odsłony: 10071

Author: Lexan Fanis
Author Wheels: BrUISeR and four-wheel drive KrAZ
Envelope in ets 2: Nikita Belkin
Author salon: Stas556
The author bases trailer: by maz_man
Author adaptations: M @ x_1996

Odsłony: 7841

Credits: Stalker45, Bruieser, Jawa, Dalnoboishik™, Versetti