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Odsłony: 12453

Credits: Ekualizer, MasterMods

Download (170,5 MB)

This Mod gives you a Ural-43202 truck which can be obtained at the Volvo dealer (large) or on-line. Adifferent Mod can be combined to get better tuning and options. Currently, you can get 38,000 HP with this truck which is a lot. Tested on 1.14.X 

Odsłony: 16605


Credits: Alexx_Os

Download (2,21 MB) *(wait a few second and then click 'Skip ad' on the top corner and download a file)


Version: 1.10.1

Odsłony: 22914


Author: ByMetin44

Download (20,52 MB)

Daf interests in Gallery


Do not forget to Physical Mode

Odsłony: 23001


Author: Made by Srele ksrele(@)

Download: (6,07 MB)

Mercedes 190e 2.5 AI car for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.3.1)

This is AI car for game: "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
It is NOT new AI car, it REPLACE Audi_a6.

Why do I make AI cars that replace default SCS cars?
Because it is VERY hard to install new AI car to game if you already have mods that have
new AI cars in them.

If you would like to download this same mod but to be NEW AI car, then it is on this link

How to install this?

Just copy .scs file to mod folder of game and make sure that this file is at bottom of folder
when you sort files by name.

Please don't use this model or textures without asking me first.
Ask me, I will give you permision to use them ;)

Odsłony: 18740


Author: Made by Srele ksrele(@)

Download: (7,6 MB)

Mercedes 190e 2.5 as new AI car for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.3.1)

In front of you is mine new mod. It is NEW AI car (this mean that this AI car does not repleace any
default AI car that is in game).

How to install?

Just copy all .scs files in mod folder and make sure that all files is loaded last (after all other mods).

Important notes!!!

1. If you have some mods for new AI cars (or map mods that have new AI cars inside), they won't work if this
mod is loaded after those mods.
2. If you put this mod to load before other mods with new AI cars, then this mod won't work and you won't see
190e car on streats.

Why this happen and how to fix this and to see all new AI cars that you have in game?
Game load cars that are listed in "traffic_storage.sii" file and in all .sii files in /def/country/ folder.
I provide this files for you. They are from default game (version 1.3.1) and I just add new lines at end of file.
Unpack "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_trafic_storage.sii.scs" and "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz_country_folder.scs", and unpack
same files from your mods and compare them. Find diference and edit mine files and repack them back to mod folder.

Or just download other version of this mod where Mercedes 190e replace Audi A6 from this link

Please don't use this model or textures without asking me first.
Ask me, I will give you permision to use them ;)