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Hits: 5839

Credits: D.B Creation Dev Team

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Version 4.6
- Compatible with 1.22.*.*s.
- Fixed Truck Speed on highways & expressways.
- Fixed Traffic density on highways & expressways.
- Fixed Railroad Sign Flares UK. (White flares)
- Fixed invalid speedlimits in UK. (Great Britain)
- Adding LED Dangerous Turn signals by Satan19990 (Premission and credits by Satan)
- Adding reflectors on delineators in some countrys.
- Adding 3 Types of real AI Vehicle Engine torques and Vehicle Weights.
- Adding 3 Types of Truck Speeds. (6x4 = 75-80 Km/h, 4x2 = 90 Km/h)
- Adding 3 diffenrent headlamps colors for AI Vehicles (Xenon, Normal, Yellow)
- Adding more Trailer Types in Traffic. (With some DLC Trailer)
- Adding Reflection of Street Signs.
- Editing the Rain drop amount.
- Increase Interior sound volume.