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Credits: Roadhunter and many more

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ETS2 1.22.xx + DLC Scandinavia
Doll Vario 3Achs with new backlight and in traffic v2.0
16 Standalone Trailer
6 Trailer in Ai Traffic
Cargo: Weihnachts Geschenke Weight: 20 tons
Cargo: Leerruecktransport Doll 3Achs Weight: 4 tons traffic
Cargo: Regenueberlaufbecken Fuchs Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Generator Alt Weight: 25 tons traffic
Cargo: Leerruecktransport mit Liftachs Weight: 5 tons
Cargo: Platmaker Transport Weight: 18 tons traffic
Cargo: Yacht Transport Weight: 15 tons
Cargo: WKA Generatorfundament Weight: 20 tons
Cargo: ENO Maschinenhaus Leer Weight: 18 tons
Cargo: Caterpilar D7H Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Ulferts BF3 Ruecktransport Weight: 4 tons
Cargo: Caterpillar 980H Weight: 30 tons
Cargo: John Deere 9630 Weight: 19 tons
Cargo: Gabelstapler Komatsu Weight: 10 tons traffic
Cargo: Krone BigPack 1290XC/HDP Weight: 16 tons traffic
Cargo: Wind Turbinen Teile Weight: 28 tons traffic