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Hits: 8486

Mod creator: RJL/Fordsonmies
Others: GT-Mike, 50keda, Sheryo, Anaheim, Mr. Poland, Szeryff123 (a few parts from them), SCS Software (original models), Thunderhawk (equipment tower)

Download ( 85 MB )

This mod adds reworked versions of Scania R-series and Streamline for ETS2. Contains a lot of tuning parts and more chassis and cabin options.
Fully standalone mod, it doesn’t replace anything. You can find the truck from Scania dealer

Changelog V1.5.1.1 to V1.5.2:
-Updated the mod for 1.24 patch
-Fixed missing rear license plate bug
-Adjusted wheel positions to avoid problems with some wheel mods
-Improved chassis extended shadows (Thanks for 50keda!)