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Odsłony: 6918

Credits: AlexeyP

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About this mod, read carefully!

Mod aimed at the players, who want more difficult and life like physics in ETS2. It adds lots of changes to almost parameters, related to truck and driver behavior.
This version contains major changes, compared to previous version. To start with, it now support all trucks and splits into two version: "normal" and "soft".
Such changes must gives more freedom to players, which prefer different truck behavior and want to have a mod support of all trucks.
Both mod edition contain different and similar parts.
Similar parts regarding truck physics: truck steering: fifth wheel behavior; brake max temp, cooling and heating rates, strength and balance;
cabin and wheel mass; sway bar stiffness; transmission, flywheel, retarder and clutch paramters; truck inertia; damping forces for trailer; air and rotational wheel resistance; all wheel-related parameters.
Similar parts regarding driver physics: length and leaning parametets, pitch angles.
Different parts regarding truck physics: cabin pitch and roll angles, and damping strengths; wheel suspension damping strength for truck.
Different parts regarding driver physics: seat restitution coef.; driver pitch/height damping factors.

This differences, in two words, makes truck cabin, chassis and driver more "mobile" in soft physics version.

Key features:
Corrected to real life values such parameters as: max. brake temperature, brakes heating/cooling rates and cabin/wheel masses;
More realistic fifth wheel: added fifth wheel roll angle;
Decreased truck responsitiveness. More feel of a truck mass - less acceleration, harder to brake with and without load, more air and rotational wheel resistance;
Clutch changes - less clutch viscosity - more chances for engine to stall;
Decreased tire friction parameters and increased wheel slip factors - brake path is longer and at some conditions (muddy, wet road etc) you can loose control on truck or experience wheel slip;
Reworked cabin and chassis suspension behavior - during various truck maneuvers truck front less static now;
Reworked driver behavior - during truck maneuvers, he`s more prone to move front\backward\side to side (but not that much, like in previous mod version).

Supported trucks (IMPORTANT!):
Starting from the version 1.3 mod support all trucks!

Installation instructions:
1. Extract scs files from downloaded archive to mod folder of ETS2;
2. Open in-game mod manager, select desired physics mod and enable it;
3. Play!