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Credits: ElfsTV

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Some of you said that EXP x3 and Money x3 is not enough, okay, fine. Here you go, in this mod EXP x7 and Money x7 (+100% for delivering cargo such as ADR/Fragile/
Just in Time etc.) So basically this mod works like this: You get x7 EXP and Money per Mile, so it doesn’t matter if you use custom trailers, because it will work with any mod without any problem.

This is what you get in this mod:

x7 EXP and/or x7 Money (also x7 exp for hired drivers)
50% discount for buying fuel in garage
Parking bonus – 100 exp or 450 exp depends on which parking method you prefer.
You can download only exp mod x7 in the first link or exp x7 and money x7 in the second link.
Tested in Ets2 v1.26