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1. More realistic and softer cabin movement;
2. Softer truck and trailer suspension;
3. Trailer is not so stable on high speed manoeuvres and while cornering;
4. User can loose control over the truck and trailer because of more realistic tyre and sway-bar settings;
5. Truck will accelerating and braking slower;
6. More driver body movement during driving and various manoeuvres;
7. More realistic engine/transmission/clutch settings;
8. It is harder to control the truck. Steering is not so arcade and easy;
9. New windshield wipers modes;
10. New motion physics for curtains\hanging toys from Cabin accessories DLC.

Supported trucks (IMPORTANT!):
Mod support all trucks and trailers, but full support (which means tweaked chassis files) available only for trucks and trailers from vanilla game version.
Other truck/trailer mods can be adapted manually (see section "truck/trailer mod adaptation").

Important: you still can use this physics with truck/trailer mods without any adaptation, but in this case, chassis suspension behavior will be not as planned by mod...

Installation instructions:
1. Extract all files from downloaded rar-archive to some temp folder;
2. Copy Improved_truck_physics.scs to MOD folder and enabled it in Mod manager with lower priority, than truck/trailer mod (to avoid possible conflicts);
3. Play!

I very recommend to use gameplay and controls settings from provided jpg screenshots for better experince from this physics mod.

All my mods are free to download and will be distributed this way in the future too. Hovewer, If you appreciate what i`m doing and want to support my work, you can transfer any amount of money, using PayPal on this email: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

All donations are voluntarily! Every donation counts! Thank you!

Credits: AlexeyP