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Odsłony: 13223

Credits: AlexeyP, MADster, SCS Software

Download (34,3 MB)

Mod is suitable for MADster`s MAN TGX Euro6 only! You must give this mod higher priority, than MADster`s mod!
Compatible with 1.22.x of ETS2, but it should work on older versions too. Please, keep original download link!

Key features:
Based on real MAN TGX Euro 6 interiors looks;
Improved all interior textures - plastic, leather, metal and fabric materials, tachograph, ceiling lamps, MAN badge on steering wheel;
New textures for dashboard buttons, symbols, gauges, GPS and mp3-radio. Improved textures of dashboard tables, coffee maker, laptop, curtains;
Dashboard backlight changed to vivid red;
Added one more windshield wiper mode;
Improved various bodywork parts: headlights, fog lights, blinkers, tail lights, radiator, mudflaps and chassis, fuel tanks, suspension and exhaust system, door handles. Also, improved textures of oval country plates.

Installation instructions:
1. Extract scs file from downloaded archive to mod folder of ETS2;
2. Open in-game mod manager and enable "MADster`s MAN TGX Euro6 Interior/Exterior Rework" mod. You must give this mod higher priority, than MADster`s truck mod!;
3. Play!

All my mods are free to download and will be distributed this way in the future too. Hovewer, If you appreciate what i`m doing and want to support my work, you can transfer any amount of money, using PayPal on this email: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
All donations are voluntarily! Every donation counts! Thank you!

Version history and changelog:
03.03.16 Version 1.0. Initial release.