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Hits: 12525

Credits: Rudy

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(Tested version 1.21.x and 1.22.x)
Mega Combo Pack V3.0: A2B online edition includes:
• 2 different distribution centres in the appearance of A2B-online style. (repainted LKW-log & Euro goodies)
• 16 different A2b trailers. (Profiliners & containers)
• 4 subdivisions trailers. (Systematic & Tip)
• Multiple trailers should be always available at these distribution centres. (also when using jazzycat trailer and cargo pack)
• A2B skins for all default trucks and for RJL Scania R & Streamline.

This mod contains also combo’s for 21 other logistic companies:’s:
Ceva, Dachser, DB Schenker, de Rijke, DHL, DSV, Ewals, Furguson, Geodis (BM & Calberson),  Gruber Logistics, Jan de Rijk, Kuehne Nagel, Maersk, Norbert Dentressangle, Post Kogeko, Reinert Logistics, Rotra, Simon Loos, TNT, Vos Logistics, Wim Bosman.