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Hits: 13671

Credits: ProMods


ProMods Facebook Page

With ProMods version 2.03, we are finally compatible with the ETS2 1.24 patch. We have also fixed many bugs that had been found in the previous version of ProMods, so you may enjoy a more refined experience.

Don’t forget: You should remove the previous ProMods hotfix and all other files regarding the previous version of ProMods.

You must own the Going East! DLC as well as the Scandinavia DLC in order for ProMods 2.03 to work, and note it is compatible with ETS2 version 1.24 only – so it will NOT work with ETS2 1.23 and lower.

We provide a file testing tool for those who are struggling with the multi-part 7-zip archives. You can find the tool on the download page. The archive contains some instructions if you need them. This tool will check the integrity of the packages and will alert you if your packages were corrupted during the download. 

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