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Hits: 8286

Credits: Authors: Jekich1, SCS: 3D model, Virat: 3D interior, Stas556: Converting, animation, setup, Fire-Blade: Coauthor, modeling Mishanka: Registration, Kriechbaum: Sounds, engines, transmissions, NN-Mihail: Technical support, textures, Robert Bogdanov: A template for skins, Dave Burgess: Skin of "Seven Lincs Transport", Evelin Sophie: Renault T Skin Pak. Test, dashboards, Smith: Zapechka, the help with animation

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Updating 6.2

Changes in the version:

- options of salon are added
- tuning is added
- some corrections and improvements
- new template

Versions of a game: 1.25 - 1.26

- The truck is on sale in car showroom Renault.
- It is registered in gallery of trucks and in the company.
- Has own add-ons, sounds, skins and a template.
- The registration, icons and sounds are open for editing.
- Access to other part fashion is closed.
- The skins and template.
- It is adapted for the last patch.
- New 3D interior (Two options).
- Two types of salon (Right side and Left side).
- Painting of wheels is added.
- Support of a provision of a wheel.
- The calendar is cleaned.
- Glasses on headlights are corrected.
- Small defects are corrected.
- Supports of all "DLC" are added
- The shadow is corrected.
- The sound is corrected.
- The collision is corrected.