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This is a high resolution graphics and weather mod that simulates a late autumn/mild winter environment and updates the graphics in the older parts of the map.

Old roads, fields, grass & other textures replaced with higher res versions
Random grey sky, foggy and sunny weather
Old tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Improved rain and wheel spray
No thunder or lightning
Leafless vegetation
HDR Bloom reduced
Late Autumn/Mild Winter daylight hours
Appropriate temperature readings
No harvesters

Compatibility latest version: 1.36
Works with Promods, Rusmap, TSM, MHA and many others.
Compatible with all map DLCs.

Changes in 3.5:
Updated for 1.36
Updated for Black Sea dlc
More grass improvements in older parts of maps

Place Late Autumn/Mild Winter above sound mods in Mod Manager to remove summer sounds like insect noises.

Recommended settings:
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Late Autumn/Mild Winter is a weather and graphics mod so other graphics, weather and HDR mods should be disabled to avoid conflicts, issues and crashes.
If you are using Next-Gen only use the base part of that mod.
Late Autumn/Mild Winter should be given a HIGH priority in Mod Manager.

Credits: Grimes