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Odsłony: 16121

Credit: Team EAA

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EAA V.2.1, Thus, for ease of use and installation, join all files into one.
• Major changes from the previous version of the mod:
– Addition of two new cities: Jundiaí and Campinas;
– Removal of traffic lights the BR116 sense RJ;
– Increased freight costs of fast charges;
• Brazilian Cities List in mod:
Rio Grande do Sul: Dairy, Caxias do Sul, Canoas, Porto Alegre, Osorio, Butia, Pantano Grande, Santa Cruz do Sul, South Cacapava and San Gabriel.
Santa Catarina: Lages, Cricklewood, Florianópolis, Itajaí, Joinville, New Fields and Mafra.
Paraná: Rio Negro, Paranaguá, São José dos Pinhais, Curitiba, Ponta Grossa, Palm Tree, Irati, Prudentópolis, Guarapuava, Laranjeiras of the South, Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Castro, South Pirai, Tibagi, Ortigueira and Santo Antonio da Platina.
Sao Paulo: Registration, Peruibe, Santos, São Paulo, São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Aparecida, Guaratingueta, Tatura, Sorocaba, Botucatu, Avare, Ourinhos, Jundiaí and Campinas.<br /> Rio de Janeiro
Resende, Volta Redonda, Mage, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro and itaborai.