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Odsłony: 20991

Credit: SCS Software, 50keda, FLD/TZ, kamaz,Reislord, valera_t, satan19990, Königszapfen, 2X2, mAn_Trucker, diverbaer, Carinthian

Download (710,9 MB)

Changes for Version 5.4:
Flensburg has been removed (adapt the DLC Scandinavia), comes back in a later Mapversion. Who has a garage there, please sell before the map 6.0 is enabled. Who has his home garage in Flensburg you must start a new profile.

Changelog from 5-15-2015:
– all Bugs fixed
– Flensburg removed
– Rebuild of some parts in West Germany
– Adaptation to the 1.17 patch
– Adaptation to the DLC Scandinavia
– Small adjustments to the performance stability

These Mapversion can’t be played with the patch version 1.16.X (or before)!
Who would like to continue using the TSM map they needed DLC East and North.

This map can be used at the moment with or without DLC’s. However, we give no guarantee that this will remain so in other patches of SCS.

Cancel or finish your current delivery and edit your profile. Deactive the old mods and activate the new ones. Then delete the old parts from your modfolder

We have splitted our map in six parts:

The six parts are shown in the gamelog.txt as „6.0“

These map is not compatible with other maps! You shouldn’t have any other map in your map directory!

Credits: (and much Thanks! to) SCS Software – for the GroundMap, 50keda – for the new companies Sellplan und Kaarfor, FLD/TZ – for the Prefabs und Models (onyl for using in this map), kamaz – for signs, Reislord – for signs, valera_t – for some Map Models, satan19990 – for his great Map Models, Königszapfen – for the pictures, 2X2 – for the new car licence plates, mAn_Trucker – for companys, diverbaer for the ‚extreme bridge‘, Carinthian, for the rebuilt of Frankfurt, Tripolis and Aalborg.

If we have someone forgotten here, please leave us a note. We will mention you in you next version. We wish all users driving without any crumples and wrinkles!