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Odsłony: 13530

Credits: anto007

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Version 5.0 updates:
- Named two cities: Montana and Premontana
- Garage available to buy/save/edit name
- Truck dealer available
- Compatible with last version and some another mods

Version 6.0 updates:
- Add new signs
- More vegetation
- Comaptible with 1.16.X

Version 7.0 updates:
- Redesigned 60%
- Truck Dealer available “DAF”
- Now working 100% with all mods and maps
- Changed folder size (keep only mod sectors)
- Compatible with 1.16.X

Version 8.0 updates:
- redesigned map sectors
- more vegetation
- solved bugs and crash problems
- compatible with 1.17.x and another mods
- compatible with DLC Scandinavia

Version 9.0 updates:
- Added a new company in Montana;
- Solved a lot of bugs;
- Compatible with 1.18.x