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Euro Truck Simulator 2 "Passenger Transportation v1.1 (1.41.x)"

About passenger transportation! These passenger traffic activates stops and bus stations in cities. One station per city. Now you can fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of passenger transportation in ETS. In order for transportation to become available, you need to purchase a special so-called "Invisible Trailer" available from your dealer. Passengers act as a cargo, a network of stops and bus stations act as companies. After choosing the appropriate trailer, drive to the station for the first flight.

Mod features:
Trailer modes:
Intercity. This trailer (mode) enables us to transport passengers over short distances. All long distances are cut off here. Orders will be generated up to 350 km. Thus, orders are formed from the city of departure, to the cities nearest to it. The number of outgoing orders is formed from 8 to 10 options.
It remains only to make a flight - the beginning and end of the route, and follow to the final destination, through passing cities, transporting passengers from city to city. Everything is like in life. Intercity route is typical.
Tourist. With this regime, the opposite is true. It cuts short distances. This is a long distance direct route from point A to point B. (From 500 km and more without limitation). Everything is according to the classics.
The mod was tested on the default ETS 2 map.
The work with RusMap, The Great Steppe, VolgoMap, SibirMap 2.0, South region was also tested.
{{1 }} Map mods such as ProMods and others that change the default map are subject to strong conflicts.

passenger_transportation_base - put above all maps and modules.

passengers_europe_1. 41 - module of the default map + DLC.
With the participation of other maps - set the priority lower.
All dlc parts of the maps must be present.
passengers_rusmap_2.4.2 - (put above the file "RusMap- def_v2.4.2 ")
passengers_srmap_10.5 - (put above the file" Southern Region map [Def and Map] ")
passengers_great_steppe_2.0 - (put above the file" The Great Steppe - def ")
passengers_volgamap_1.2 - (put above the "VolgaMap_def" file)
passengers_szm_addon_2.4 - (put above the "SZM Addon" file)

Example of a bundle of cards with passengers at 1.41:
Passenger Transportation BASE
Passengers SZM Addon 2.4
SZM Addon
Passengers Rusmap 2.4.2
RusMap Map_v2.4.2
Passengers Great Steppe 2.0
The Great Steppe - def
The Great Steppe - map
The Great Steppe - model
The Great Steppe - model2
Passengers Volgamap 1.2
Passengers Southern Region 10.5
Southern Region map [Def and Map]
Southern Region map [Model1]
Southern Region map [Model2]
Passengers Europe 1.41

Changes in 1.1:
BASE bug fixes New modules for RusMap, Great Steppe, Southern Region, VolgaMap, szm addon.


Author: SovTransBus

1. Mod with automatic installation!
2. Unpack archive
3. Run the installer
4. Have a nice game

Download the installation instructions on the page with the mod