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Odsłony: 9521

RJL/Fordsonmies, GT-Mike, 50keda, Sheryo, Anaheim, Mr. Poland, Szeryff123 (a few parts from them), SCS Software (original models), Thunderhawk (equipment tower)

Download ( 63 MB )

Scania R & Streamline Modifications V2.1 for ETS2 version 1.26
Changelog V2.0 to V2.1:
-Updated the mod for 1.26 patch
-Reworked tachograph
-Added 3.42 rear differential for use with smaller engines or heavier loads
-Added “another type” of 6-series bottom grill
-Adjusted hook position of 4×2 Lowdeck to make some trailers not clipping with rear fenders
-Adjusted wheel positions to reduce understeer problems
-Reworked UV-mapping of “corner deflectors” (affects only on paintjobs, otherwise not visible ingame)

Download Cabin & Flag DLC´s for Scania