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Odsłony: 12243

RJL/Fordsonmies, GT-Mike, 50keda, Sheryo, Anaheim, Mr. Poland, Szeryff123 (a few parts from them), SCS Software (original models), Thunderhawk (equipment tower)

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This mod adds Scania T-series for ETS2. Contains many customization options and more chassis, cabin, engine and transmission options.
Fully standalone mod, it doesn’t replace anything. You can find the truck from Scania dealer.
Currently supported game version: 1.27
Current mod version: V2.2

Changelog V2.1 to V2.2:
-Updated the mod for 1.27 patch
-Added dashboard indicators for differential lock and trailer lift axle
-Added animated dashboard buttons for exhaust brake, differential lock, truck lift axle and trailer lift axle
-Fixed random game crash issues when using the mod in OpenGL mode (the mod SHOULD be OpenGL compatible now)
-Moved the fifth wheel forward on 8x and 10x chassis to reduce understeering with heavy loads
-Added more weight for 8x and 10x chassis to reduce understeering with heavy loads
-Lowered hook position by 25 millimeters on 4×2 Lowdeck
-Random bug fixes and other small changes